(The NorthPole Prep) aka Mr. Chase Wealth bka Romelo Hill

My photo
NORTH POLE, IL., United States
"..the best thing cumn, since a dick n a woman.." "...they hate me cuz they aint me... u should hate U cuz U AINT YOU!!..." if u aint no kin2me, r if u aint no friend2me, i dont fuck around, AINT tryna get scoped like kennedy,, cuz niggaz b, tryna figure out how it !WORK!,, how the skirts LOVE us, even though we chilln n dirt, ACTING like jerks n public, when a nigga was HURT>who loved it, YOU around but u wuznt,not a soul can b trusted, THiS LIFE i LEAD..." -Romelo Hill Some of the greater things in life are unseen thats why you close your eyes when you kiss, cry, or dream...

Sunday, November 14, 2010


I Play In Traffic 1 from Joey Brooks on Vimeo.

This route circles New Orleans by starting in the French Quarter, traversing through the Central Business District, Warehouse District, Uptown, and ending in Mid City. This year we are enjoying several new road surfaces thanks to a grant from Uncle Sam to fix our rotten streets that got even more rotten after Hurricane Katrina cleanup by bulldozers and semis only made our bad streets worse. That being said, so many streets are being smoothed out that we can almost stay on smooth surfaces the whole time, which makes our rides REALLY fast and allows me to attach my helmet cam to the handlebars where it basically disappears from my attention - JOEY BROOKS

20 Miles Before Work from Joey Brooks on Vimeo.

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