(The NorthPole Prep) aka Mr. Chase Wealth bka Romelo Hill

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NORTH POLE, IL., United States
"..the best thing cumn, since a dick n a woman.." "...they hate me cuz they aint me... u should hate U cuz U AINT YOU!!..." if u aint no kin2me, r if u aint no friend2me, i dont fuck around, AINT tryna get scoped like kennedy,, cuz niggaz b, tryna figure out how it !WORK!,, how the skirts LOVE us, even though we chilln n dirt, ACTING like jerks n public, when a nigga was HURT>who loved it, YOU around but u wuznt,not a soul can b trusted, THiS LIFE i LEAD..." -Romelo Hill Some of the greater things in life are unseen thats why you close your eyes when you kiss, cry, or dream...

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


*US Scientists Admitted to Infecting Over 1500 People with STDs During the 1940′s ------ *****************************************************************************************************************
Scientific experiments conducted on unknowing human subjects is a highly guarded issue. The chilling details of experiments conducted by these cold-hearted scientists are often revealed more than 50 years after the fact – when nobody cares anymore. It has recently been admitted that over 1500 Guatemalans were infected with sexually transmitted diseases such as syphilis, gonorrhea and chancroid in the 1940′s. Knowing this fact, I suggest you research the – true – origin of AIDS… Here’s an article on the Guatemala experiments. Panel reveals new details of 1940′s experiment A presidential panel on Monday disclosed shocking new details of U.S. medical experiments done in Guatemala in the 1940s, including a decision to re-infect a dying woman in a syphilis study. The Guatemala experiments are already considered one of the darker episodes of medical research in U.S. history, but panel members say the new information indicates that the researchers were unusually unethical, even when placed into the historical context of a different era. “The researchers put their own medical advancement first and human decency a far second,” said Anita Allen, a member of the Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues. From 1946-48, the U.S. Public Health Service and the Pan American Sanitary Bureau worked with several Guatemalan government agencies to do medical research — paid for by the U.S. government — that involved deliberately exposing people to sexually transmitted diseases. The researchers apparently were trying to see if penicillin, then relatively new, could prevent infections in the 1,300 people exposed to syphilis, gonorrhea or chancroid. Those infected included soldiers, prostitutes, prisoners and mental patients with syphilis. The commission revealed Monday that only about 700 of those infected received some sort of treatment. Also, 83 people died, although it’s not clear if the deaths were directly due to the experiments. The research came up with no useful medical information, according to some experts. It was hidden for decades but came to light last year, after a Wellesley College medical historian discovered records among the papers of Dr. John Cutler, who led the experiments. President Barack Obama called Guatemala’s president, Alvaro Colom, to apologize. He also ordered his bioethics commission to review the Guatemala experiments. That work is nearly done. Though the final report is not due until next month, commission members discussed some of the findings at a meeting Monday in Washington. They revealed that some of the experiments were more shocking than was previously known. For example, seven women with epilepsy, who were housed at Guatemala’s Asilo de Alienados (Home for the Insane), were injected with syphilis below the back of the skull, a risky procedure. The researchers thought the new infection might somehow help cure epilepsy. The women each got bacterial meningitis, probably as a result of the unsterile injections, but were treated. Perhaps the most disturbing details involved a female syphilis patient with an undisclosed terminal illness. The researchers, curious to see the impact of an additional infection, infected her with gonorrhea in her eyes and elsewhere. Six months later she died. Dr. Amy Gutmann, head of the commission, described the case as “chillingly egregious.” During that time, other researchers were also using people as human guinea pigs, in some cases infecting them with illnesses. Studies weren’t as regulated then, and the planning-on-the-fly feel of Cutler’s work was not unique, some experts have noted. But panel members concluded that the Guatemala research was bad even by the standards of the time. They compared the work to a 1943 experiment by Cutler and others in which prison inmates were infected with gonorrhea in Terre Haute, Ind. The inmates were volunteers who were told what was involved in the study and gave their consent. The Guatemalan participants — or many of them — received no such explanations and did not give informed consent, the commission said. The commission is working on a second report examining federally funded international studies to make sure current research is being done ethically. That report is expected at the end of the year. Meanwhile, the Guatemalan government has vowed to do its own investigation into the Cutler study. A spokesman for Vice President Rafael Espada said the report should be done by November. - Source: AP ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ----- ----- *Jasiri X uses Pete Rock's classic beat, "They Reminisce Over You" to shed light on the case of Troy Davis. The state of Georgia plans to execute Troy Davis on September 21, 2011. There is still serious doubt as to Troy Davis’ guilt, and by putting him to death Georgia runs the risk of killing an innocent man. Please call on the board to save Troy Davis’ life. The fact is, no physical evidence connected Davis to the murder. Seven of the original nine witnesses have recanted, with many saying their testimony was a result of law enforcement pressure. Of the remaining witnesses, one is highly suspect and the other could be the actual culprit in the officer's murder. Now, despite these and other facts, the state of Georgia has taken the final steps toward Davis' execution -- and only the Georgia Board of Pardons and Parole stands between Davis and the lethal injection chamber. Take action by going to: http://www.naacp.org/pages/too-much-doubt http://www.colorofchange.org/campaign/save-troy-davis-life/ http://blog.amnestyusa.org/deathpenalty/dont-let-georgia-kill-troy-davis/ Sign a petition, send a tweet, post on facebook, or organize an event. Just do something

Working For The City. (Full Movie) from Jon Stark on Vimeo.

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